Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day


Today you are exactly 22 months old. It is also valentines day and I thought it appropriate to write a little love letter to the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on. Every day your Daddy and I look at each other in amazement. "Can you believe we made this little thing?" You have added a dimension to our universe that neither of us knew could exist and made us realize how empty our lives might have been without you in it. My favorite thing is to sit with your on my lap with both arms around you and my nose in your hair while you contently read a book, watch Caillou, or try to tell me something that is clearly very, very important. Wait...it's either that or when you sit between me and Daddy on the couch and take turns hugging and kissing us, or you pull us both in so you can hug us both and you won't let us go. Every day it's something new with you and it either cracks us up, melts our hearts or convinces us that you are a genius. Often all at once. Your sense of humor is wonderful. You are so sweet, so smart and I l LOVE LOVE LOVE you more and more every day. Oh and you have some SWEEEEET moves!

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